Learn. Earn. Lead.

Building careers one student at a time.

The Path To Success

What is LEARN?

LIUNA Training's LEARN Program is the only innovative four-year Career and Technical Education High School curriculum. Our students receive applied academic, work, and life skills that provide them with a solid foundation to enter a U.S. Department of Labor-Recognized Apprenticeship program and a successful career as a Construction Craft Laborer.

Why Learn For


As a LEARN Student, you will excel through our hands-on, collaborative activity approach to teaching. The results will put you on a path to discovering the limitless career opportunities of a Construction Craft Laborer.

Why Learn For


Why Learn For


As a LEARN parent, you are preparing your child for their future. This program will provide them with opportunities and a pathway for a career in construction. They will earn certifications, gain entry into apprenticeships and get college course credit.

Why Learn For


Why Learn For


As an Educator in the LEARN program, you'll have a 4-year Construction Craft Laborer program that will immediately impact your school. From our versatile curriculum to the support network within the LEARN community, we've created a program that will shape the future of your school network.

Why Learn For


How does
LEARN work?

LEARN’s foundation is the Construction Craft Laborer Trade (CCL). Here’s how it works:

  • Students participate in real-life, job-related activities and industry projects
  • Core academic principles are integrated into every activity and project: Math, Science, and English
  • Trade-specific knowledge increases each year as students take part in simulated jobsite tasks
Tools For A Successful Career

Keys to success

LEARN’s foundation is the CCL Trade. Students participate in vocational activities and industry-related projects while emphasizing associated core academic principles like math, science, and English. To help develop trade-specific knowledge, students take part in group and individual activities that simulate jobsite tasks. These activities encourage and promote safety, craftsmanship, critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership.


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  • Safety
  • Craftsmanship
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership

Success Stories

“I’ve worked on curriculum committees, common core state standards for the last 20 years in English...and your curriculum is the best curriculum I’ve ever seen”

“I can show students trigonometry on a piece of plywood; why you need it, how you are going to use it… when they see those aspects coming together then the light comes on. The students understand the importance of this”

“Honestly, it’s my favorite thing about coming to school. I learn how to do things with my hands, I’m building things, I’m learning measurements… things that I can use and incorporate into my real life.”

“4 years ago we were making bird houses – now we’re building forms, building scaffold… doing all of the things that labor entails on a construction site… it’s a true testament to “hands on” integrated learning. That would be impossible if it wasn’t for the partnerships with LIUNA Training, LiUNA and their labor leaders”