Students build
their future
From the start, LEARN students are actively involved in building their future. From year one Exploratory Projects where they immediately begin to gain skills while having fun, they’ll gain industry-specific certifications and develop their comprehensive community-based final year project. Each student determines their future by joining the CCL apprenticeship or moving on to post secondary educational opportunities.

Teacher flexibility
LEARN’s foundation meets the highest academic standards and is designed to be flexible enough to meet the unique needs of every school and school district. Experiential project-based curricula provide a range of instructional delivery options that can be tailored to accommodate different scheduling patterns, resource needs and student abilities.
Outcomes and
LEARN involves students, captures their imaginations, and increases retention of information. Whether in the classroom or during interactive practice, the focus is on industry knowledge using participatory, project-based hands-on experiences. The result: LEARN students are better prepared apprentices which increases their employability.